Crickets for Lease

I’m looking to see if there what the interest would be in leasing any of my racing-stock, with the exception of any of the 5yos (Broken-Down Nag, Buy An Angel, Fat Frankies Doll, Horse, Sultry Woman and Long Live the King).  I have a lot of horses, mostly mares, who I do want to add to my breeding program.  However, I’d like to keep them on the track at least into their 4yo season, in hopes that they have yet to hit maturity.  As you can see, I haven’t put much thought into their races this year, and I know they are capable of better records than what they’ve shown this year.

All leases would start April 1st and run for between 3 and 6 months, with the option to renew. 

The reason I’m asking for the April 1st start date is to ensure that they all have a good month downtime at the farm so they come to you ready to run.  Please let me know if you’re interested in any of the below.  Lease prices will be discussed on a case by case basis.  I’m more interested in that they are managed well (appropriate races), not over-raced, rested when injured (I will refund and accept the horse back early if this is the case…with the exception of broken legs), than in making a quick buck through lease fees. 
[align=center][color=blue]Cup o’Joe[/align]

[align=center][color=blue]Desert Heat[/align]

[align=center][color=blue]Vintage Ice[/align]

[align=center][color=red]Dodge the Draft[/align]

[align=center][color=red]Forgotten Road[/align]

[align=center][color=red]Lonely River[/align]

[align=center][color=red]Slay the House[/align]


[align=center][color=red]Ch. 5 O’Clock Shadow

[color=red]Hannah Banana

[color=red]Never Been Kissed


[color=red]Snips and Snails

[color=red]Sunday Joy

[color=blue]War Bonds


[align=center][color=red]Adrenaline Rush
Created Lines

[color=red]Almost Daybreak
Almost Home (S) x Daybreak Dawn

[color=blue]Back-Alley Dealer
Created Lines

[color=blue]Demand the Best
WCh. Crystal Rainbox x GCh. Go For Glory

[color=blue]Depths of Hell
NCh. Devil May Care (G) x Cigar’s Gold

[color=red]Fleeting Lady
GCh. Highland Laird (S) x Fleeting Lady (G)
1/2 to GCh. Striking Beauty, Ch. Saturnalia, SP. Cowflewoverthemoon

[color=blue]Homeland Security
Created Lines

FFCh. Takemetohollywood x Steadfast Lover (S)
1/2 to Ch. One Star Affair

[color=blue]Kiss a Frog
Created Lines

[color=red]Lazy Summer Days
Created Lines

[color=blue]Lonely at the Top
Lonesome Glory (S) x Ch. Jungle (G)
1/2 to Ch. Lion King, Ch. Treasured Secret

[color=red]Madly Yours
Distinct Possibility (S) x Song of Love (B)

[color=blue]Memento Mori
Created Lines

[color=red]No Crying Allowed
Created Lines

Please PM if interested in any of the above.