Cricket Hill

Does anyone know if Cricket Hill is still in the game? I have been trying to contact her for the last 4 days but just get a 404 not found message. thanks

The Stable List says she logged in yesterday (July 10) and the forum says she posted 3 days ago. Might be an error with the contact form?

Ive been having trouble with the site today. A lot of pages timing out.

Have you tried using the forum to send a PM? That might work better.

I know this sounds crazy but I can’t find a way to contact her via the forum and I know I have done it before without any problems. I can’t work out if the forum is having a hissy fit or my brain has stopped working. Please could someone refresh this old brain of mine?

Cancel the last post. I tried to look at the list of members again and it told me to log in! I was already logged in but re did it and have now been able to send one

Nope – not dead. Just a little quieter than I used to be when I was younger. Was out of town over the weekend and therefore didn’t see this post until this morning. Thanks guys for stepping up and doing some detective work! Wolfhound and I were able to connect. :slight_smile: