Cricket Hill 2018 Foals

Well, we’ve had a busy week. 14 foals on the ground.

In alphabetical order.

(WCh. Gotta Go x Ch. This I Believe by Affirmed)
10.2hh Dark Bay Colt
First foal of dam, and he’s huge! Dam matured early, so I’m expecting the same from him.

(ICh. Demand the Best x Ch. Early Valentine by The Black)
8.3hh Chestnut Filly
3rd foal of SW’ing dam. First foal runs this year. Aizu is a shortened name of a place in Fukushima.

[color=red]Ambition (FFCh. High Chances x GCh. Firmament by Affirmed)
8.2hh Chestnut Filly
1/2 to SW’ing Pie in the Sky and SP’ed Cassiopeia. We’ll probably rename her something more star-related.

[color=blue]Drifting (FFCh. High Chances x NCh. Daytona Beach by WCh. What’s Debatable)
8.2hh Bay Colt
1st foal of MSW’ing dam. Grandson of the amazing Midnight Danger §. We’re really excited about this bugger.

[color=red]Drums of Heaven (WCh. Drum Major x Ch. Amazon by Crimson Lad)
8.2hh Black Filly
6th foal of MSW-producing dam. Amazon will be up for auction in February.

[color=blue]Fiji(FFCh. High Chances x Ch. Passin’ Sandi)
9.0hh Liver Chestnut Colt
Sandi was undefeated as a 3yo, winning all 7 of her starts which included 4 Gr. 1 Stakes. She was recognized as the 3yo Filly and Turf Mare of the year. Her other seasons were less successful. We’re hoping that HC can add a little longevity into this colt’s career.

[color=red]Griselda (ICh. Long Live the King x Ch. Molly is a Mule)
8.0hh Dark Gray Filly
Griselda is the 4th foal out of Molly. Molly’s only foal to race, Dilsey has shown some promise on the track. Griselda, like all of Molly’s other foals, is named after a character from Faulkner.

Hissy Fit
(Sun King x GCh. Fit to be Jim)
9.3hh Bay Filly
1/2 to SP’ed Fit to be Tied and placed Fit to be King

[color=red]Inside Job (ICh. To Die For x Inside Trader by NCh. Secretary)
8.3hh Dark Bay Filly
1st foal of Multi-winning mare.

Lone Survivor
(NCh. Lucky Streak x Lonely Planet by NCh. Void)
9.0hh Blue Roan
1st foal of lightly raced mare. She goes back to one of our blue hen mares, Lone Star, so we’re excited to see how she does.

[color=blue]Nyx (Monarchos x Nolanda)
8.1hh Dark Bay Colt
This guy’s a complete toss up since both parents are creates. Nolanda was a multi-winner.

Queen Bee
(ICh. Long Live the King x Dark Miss by The Black)
9.3hh Chestnut Filly
1/2 to stallion NCh. Carrowmore and a handful of MSWers.

(WCh. Strider x GCh. Assault By Numbers by Assault)
10.0hh Blue Roan Filly
1/2 to GCh. Color By Numbers.

Spun Sugar
(Ghostzapper x Ch. Sweetest Slew by Seattle Slew)
9.3hh Bay Filly
First foal of dam.

Holy smokes, that’s a lot of foals!  But I love the names.

Nice babies.

We’ve had another handful of busy days.

[color=blue]Out of the Gutter (Candy Ride x Ch. Sludge by AP Indy)
9.2hh Dark Bay Colt
1st foal of MW’ing dam. Sludge has been bred to Sun King.

[color=blue]Man About Town (NCh. Slew O’Scots x NCh. Sultry Woman)
8.2hh Gray Colt
4th foal of MSW’ing dam. 1/2 to multi-winner Kept Woman.

[color=red]Dark Currents (ICh. Dark Continent x Ch. Lonely River by Irish River)
9.2hh Chestnut Filly
3rd live foal out of MSW’ing dam. 1/2 to SP’ed Ch. Longevity.

[color=red]Salutation (WCh. Express Yourself x Kiss of Glory by Lonesome Glory)
9.3hh Dark Bay Filly
1st foal out of winning dam.

[color=blue]Guess Again (NCh. Bellagio x GCh. Guess What by Cigar)
8.2hh Dark Bay Colt
6th foal out of MSW’ing mare. 1/2 to MSW’er Spread the News.

[color=blue]Pointless (What’s Your Point x Premiere by Lonesome Glory)
8.1hh Gray Colt.
4th foal out of multi-winning mare.

[color=red]Beyond Repair (ICh. Long Live the King x Broken-Down Nag)
9.3hh Dark Bay Filly
1/2 to winner Hopefully.

[color=blue]It’s a Date (FFCh. High Chances x GCh. It’s a Girl by Cigar)
9.1hh Bay Colt
First foal of MSW’ing dam.

[color=red]Myoko (ICh. Demand the Best x NCh. Sacred Hill by NCh. Highland Wizard)
9.1hh Chestnut Filly
3/4s to NCh. City Upon a Hill. 1/2 to Ch. Nairobi and Ch. Forbidden City.

[color=blue]BoughtandPaidFor (ICh. Long Live the King x NCh. Buy an Angel)
9.3hh Dark Bay Colt
3rd foal of MSW’ing dam.

Yay baby rush! Love the Bellagio’s foal name too  :wink:

Thanks, Lindsay. =)

Just one today.

[color=blue]Professor Plum (NCh. Nobly Regal x Ch. The Graduate by NCh. Secretary)
8.1hh Dapple Gray Colt

4th foal of The Graduate.

Love the name!

Long awaited foal.

[color=red]Gangbusters (FFCh. Foolhardy x GCh. Go For Glory)
8.2hh Bay Filly

1/2 to ICh. Demand the Best, WCh. Toast of the Town, and GCh. Thank Goodness.

[color=red]Stolen Candy (Candy Ride x Captain’s Promise by No Duplicate)
9.2hh Bay Filly

Padington Bear starts this year.

Love the names. :slight_smile:

Lovely girls :slight_smile:

The boys have caught up! Whoot!

[color=red]Ease My Mind (Dark Continent x Say It Right by Secretary)
8.2hh Chestnut Filly

The granddaughter of the great WCh. Dreamboat. We have high hopes for this filly.

[color=red]Life Goes On (Deep Impact x 5 O’Clock Shadow by Cross Roads
9.3hh Bay Filly

1/2 to Ch. TheLaughofMedusa.

[color=blue]Facing Evil (Dark Continent x Never Been Kissed by No Duplicate)
9.3hh Bay Colt

[color=blue]Banksy (Mantle of Power x Art of Deceit by Foolhardy)
8.3hh Blue Roan Colt

[color=red]Themis (Dark Continent x Saturnalia by Planet Hollywood)
9.2hh Chestnut Filly

1/2 to Ch. Clarity of Night and Lunar Eclipse. Themis is the name of one of Saturn’s hypothetical moons. It was “discovered” by William H. Pickering in 1905 and then never seen again. In Greek mythology, Themis was one of the original female Titans and was the personification of divine justice.

[color=blue]Rake (Long Live the King x Fleeting Lady by Highland Laird)
9.1hh Gray Colt

1/2 to Flirt. A rake is kind of the male equivalent of a flirt. Basically a roguish, gambling womanizer. A popular sort of stock character in pre-Modern Brit lit.

[color=blue]Gosh Darnit (Gotta Go x Dagnabit by Danzig)
9.2hh Bay Colt

1/2 to Gatsby.

[color=blue]Be Frank With Me (Frankel x Simple Success)
8.3hh Black Colt

[color=blue]Lakota (Long Live the King x Blackfoot
8.2hh Bay Colt

1/2 to Hawkeye and Cayuga.

[color=blue]Lord Byron (Brigade x Lonesome Lover by Lonesome Glory)
8.3hh Mahogany Bay

1/2 to Classy Broad and For Pete’s Sake.

Fillies are back on top.

[color=red]First Date (High Chances x Lonesome Miss by Lonesome Glory)
9.3hh Chestnut Filly

1/2 to Wild Gold (2yo) and Flying Solo (yearling)

[color=red]Wedding Ring (Almost Precious x Circle of Trust by Ring of Fire)
8.2hh Black Filly

Granddam is NCh. American Rhapsody (S). 1/2 to Learn to Fly

[color=red]Take Me Home (Long Live the King x GCh. Swan Song by What’s It Worth)
9.3hh Dark Bay Filly

Granddam is Black Swan (G)

[color=red]Down with the Ship (High Chances x Ch. Captain’s Folly by Captain Jack)
9.0hh Dark Bay Filly

1/2 to SP Ultimate Folly

[color=red]Callback (Frankel x GCh. Hope for the Best by Unbridled)
9.1hh Chestnut Filly

[color=blue]Ready Player One (Player x Shannon’s Daring by Irish River)
8.3hh Chestnut Colt

I’m a bit late but I love the name Salutation, I reckon one word names have the best impact

Finally got around to naming our spring foals. =) It’s been a busy couple of months.

Cuban Cigar Demand the Best x WCh. Black Magick by Cigar
9.2hh Gray Colt
1/2 to MSW Ch. Golden Aura. SPed Well of Magick and Silver Mage.

Ask Around High Chances x Ask DNA
10.0hh Bay Filly
1/2 to GCh. Ask Directions and millionaire Ch. Ask for the Moon

Zip It Strider x Ch. Little Zip
8.0hh Chestnut Filly

Unconventional Gotta Go x Unconditional
10.3hh Bay Filly
1/2 to Ch. Unconditional Love

Seduction Demand the Best x Fleeting Beauty
9.0hh Gray Colt
1/2 to NCh. Forgotten Road, GCh. Striking Beauty, Ch. Fleeting Lady, Ch. Lost Opportunity, and Ch. Saturnalia.

Runaway High Chances x Bridezilla
9.1hh Flea-bitten Grey

Great Unknown Blue Smoke x Kimazaan
10.0hh Bay Colt

3rd foal of dam, whom we lost this year. She was a really young, nicely bred (Rainbow Quest x Highland Dreamer) mare. She will be missed.

Slay the Major Major’s Flight x Slay the House
8.3hh Liver Chestnut Filly
1/2 to Spooked.

Lone Star State Strider x Lone Star
9.1hh Bay Colt
1/2 to GCh. Lonely Ness, Ch. Lonely Victor and Ch. Lonely River.

Gone Fishin’ Demand the Best x Final Tour
9.3hh Bay Colt
1/2 to GCh. Queen of Sheba, Ch. Tickled Pink, Ch. African Adventure, and Ch. Rahmbunctious

Just a Fling I’m Your Angel x Prelude to Love
9.3hh Dark gray Colt

Look Ma, No Hands Can’t Touch This x Out of Control
9.0hh Bay Filly

A Life Well Lived Demand the Best x Hollywood Native
9.0hh Chestnut Colt
1/2 to NCh. Notachanceinheck, Ch. Take It In Stride, and Ch. What Foolishness

Something Special Long Live the King x Somethininthewater
9.3hh Bay Filly
1/2 to MSPed Something Borrowed

Villain Long Live the King x Odette
9.1hh Flea-bitten Grey

Bloody Mary Rock of Gibraltar x Killer Queen
9.3hh Dark Bay Filly

Finger Paint Rock of Gibraltar x Crayons Anonymous
9.1hh Bay Filly
1/2 to Ch. Lasting Pride

Blowing Smoke Blue Smoke x Idolized
9.2hh Black Colt

Highway to Hell High Chances x Forgotten Road
8.3hh Gray Filly

Lovely babies. :slight_smile: Sorry about Kimazaan.

Sorry for your loss. Lovely group of foals though :slight_smile:

Nice foals!

LOVE the names! I’m surprised Villain wasn’t taken.

Me too! Antagonist, however, was already claimed.