Clicker Lab Broodmare Auction

I’m planning a broodmare auction some time soon, so I’ll post here which mares are going to be included. Most of them are young mares with only a few, or no foals on the ground. All are in foal for 2017.

Created broodmares

Noisy Nancy
In foal to High Chances, due 2/3/17

Santiago Roja
In foal to Demand the Best, due 4/9/17

Tea Cup
In foal to Unabridged, due 4/6/17

Tuff Muffin
In foal to Sleipnir, due 2/1/17

In foal to The Fighting Fifty, due 2/5/17

I’m Not Pink
In foal to Slip In The Mud, due 2/5/17

Pedigree broodmares

Belleau Wood WCh. Strike It Rich (S) / Killer Chance (B)
In foal to Starzen, due 1/4/17

Wedding Reception NCh. I’m A Classic (S) Formal Affair (B)
In foal to Sleipnir, due 5/11/17

Southern Saga Ch. Moonopoly (B) / Musical Times (B)
In foal to Black Warrior, due 1/5/17

Golden Moon NCh. Moonover Boy (S) / Gilded Sky (S)
In foal to Eighteen Karat, due 1/30/17

Classical Hightail GCh. Simply Heroic (B) / Gone Bleue (B)
In foal to Blue Smoke, due 3/2/17

Hilda (Shanthi - Maybe you are the better person to answer this)

Just wanted to check whether, if we win the auction for one (or more) of these mares, when the mare foals, does the foal revert back to you or does it belong to the new owner?

I thought that was the case, but have a vague memory of seeing a discussion on the Forum recently (can’t remember for sure and can’t find the discussion now), the upshot of which was that the foal would revert back to the Selling stable at the time of it’s birth.

Don’t remember if that was to do with Broodmares for Sale/Auction,  Broodnares for Lease, or both, or if I dreamed the discussion.


If you buy the mare you should get the foal as well unless the mare had been leased by a stable other than the seller at the time she was covered.

If you purchase the mare, you should get her foal with her, at least that was my intention.

Pedigree broodmares are more popular :wink: but the created ones have some more of a breeding history. Have a look at their foals:

Santiago Roja

[color=red]Lavaliere, 2014 by Silver Charm
[color=blue]Caseros, 2015 by Call To War
[color=blue]Nudibranquio, 2016 by A.P. Indy


[color=red]Hardrada, 2014 by Go For Dash
[color=blue]Even Stevens, 2015 by Oscillation
[color=red]Ciente, 2016 by Slip In The Mud

Noisy Nancy

[color=red]The Noisemaker, 2015 by Prince Of Wonder
[color=blue]Ruidoso, 2016 by The Fighting Fifty

Tuff Muffin

[color=blue]Away We Go, 2015 by Take Me Away
[color=red]Caliente, 2016 by Almost Precious

I’m Not Pink

[color=red]Saramenha, 2014 by Octagonal
[color=red]Impreza, 2015 by What’s Your Point
[color=blue]Rocinante, 2016 by  Sun King

Tea Cup

[color=red]Doridacea, 2016 by Cryptic Ballad

Lewis - when a mare is sold in foal the unborn foal’s ownership follows the mare’s, but only if the mare’s old owner and the foal’s breeder are the same. (As imagine said, if the unborn foal was bred thanks to a lease and the mare’s owner has no claim on the foal, the new owner also has no claim on the foal.)

Indeed, I bought one mare like this. But all of these were bred by Clicker Lab.

Congrats to Starfish, Iron Spur and Hello Starling Farms for your purchases!
These mares are still available:

Noisy Nancy $10,000 ($20,000)
In foal to High Chances, due 2/3/17

Santiago Roja $0 ($30,000)
In foal to Demand the Best, due 4/9/17

Tuff Muffin $0 ($10,000)
In foal to Sleipnir, due 2/1/17

Omaroo $0 ($30,000)
In foal to The Fighting Fifty, due 2/5/17

I’m Not Pink $0 ($12,000)
In foal to Slip In The Mud, due 2/5/17