Claimed Horses Continually Show Location at Farm in Training Summary


Claimed horses continue to show their location as my stable in my Training Summary despite being at various tracks.


There are several horses I’ve claimed over the past year or so that are all showing a location of Ivy Creek Farm (I) in my Training Summary; however, they are actually located at various other tracks on their homepage. Some of the affected horses are listed below:

Crooked Blessing - actually in Australia but now shipping to Woodbine
Tom Ford - actually at Churchill Downs
Never A Fool - actually in Australia
Sedate Measure - actually in Australia
Clever Amount - actually in Australia

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login
  2. Navigate to Ivy Creek’s Training Summary page
  3. Locate the above listed horses and view their listed Location
  4. Click on the horses listed above to view the location listed on individual page and compare

Additional information