Caution: Overload of Sadness

As most of us who are in this game have seen the highs and lows of the real world of loving animals, we get to deal with both when life takes it’s paths. Below is what my wife and I sent out when our dog of 15 years had to be put to sleep. Hardest days of my life since then…

Hi Everyone,
It is with very heavy and sad hearts, Myles and I are writing to let you all know that our, precious, precious

How sad :frowning: I recently had to put down two of my elderly dogs, one was 16 years old and the other was 15. Actually, not so “recently”… it was almost two years ago. Now I have a 4 years old whippet mix from a shelter, and he’s not nice at all :stuck_out_tongue: with strong prey drive, many fear issues and very reactive. But he’s improving slowly. My older dog was an angel, not only comparing to him, but to every other dog that I ever met. However, the “devil” is lucky that I have found him :wink: and I know that he wants to be a good dog too.

Aw, she’s gorgeous. I’m so sorry for your loss.

Our older boy is turning 13 this month and I dread the day he goes over the rainbow bridge. He’s been in good health overall, but gave us a scare last year (thought he had strokes but I think he ate a chicken bone off the street and reacted badly). He’s also going deaf but manages OK with hand signals.

I hope Shyloh’s adjusting to her big sister leaving, and helps ease you and Barbara through this transition.

My heart goes out to you on the loss of your very special dog. just 2 weeks ago my little rescue dog Charlie (girl)had an attack of acute pancreatitis and was hospitalised. she came home but was so ill i thought she had died overnight. but she has pulled round quite a bit and will be hopefully with me a little longer. she is 13 this year and has heart failure too.  Our dogs give us so much and ask for so little.
Thinking of you both

So sorry for your loss Myles. We’ve lost several cats and dogs over the years and it’s never an easy decision to make. Best wishes to you and your wife.


So sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a pet, especially one who has been with you for a long time, is just like losing a family member.

We have two dogs, an 11yo Border Collie, who has hip displasure, and a 9yo Lab-Ridgeback mix. We have had both of them since they were about 6 weeks old and I dread to think that one day we will lose one or both of them. Whenever one of them is away from our home (either at the groomers or the vet), the other one wanders around the house looking totally lost, until her sister comes home. Also, whenever my wife and I travel, they get so excited when we come back and their tails wag so fiercely that we’re always afraid they are going to knock themselves out. The first few days after we get back, they both sleep right outside our bedroom door and hover very close to us.

Don’t forget to give Shyloh extra hugs and tummy rubs and lots of attention, because she will be missing her sister too and will almost definitely be pining for her.

My heart goes out to you Myles… We also suffered a loss of one of our house cats. Uncle Toes was the kitten baby sitter for barn cats had kittens before we rounded up everyone and had them all spayed on off to new homes. We have one of his Nephews (Bubba) we also have 3 other cats who are in their late teens.

I know how it feels to lose a dog also. There is a hole in your heart that takes a while to mend. My thoughts are with you.