Cascade Mixed Sale starts NOVEMBER 2ND!

Hi All,
Its that time again! Cascade is once again having their annual auction so here’s your chance to get your hands on some nice horses! :wink: Last year’s auction was mostly racehorses and quite a few of the horses I sold went on to win stakes races for their new owners. This year we are selling mostly yearlings with a few broodmares and 1 stakes winning gelding. I have to say, deciding who would go to cut down the numbers of my stable was very hard. Many of these horses I really really did not want to let go but I’m hoping that in another stable they will get the attention they deserve and thrive! 

I do ask though, that if you think you may leave Final Furlong that you please please PLEASE sell the horse back to me at the price that you bought him/her OR sell the horse to another stable! This is to avoid yet another one of my horses ending up with FF, which can’t help but race indiscrimintly! I want my horses to have the best chance at being successful and that is with member stables!!!


(Planet Hollywood x High Stakes by High Tide)
Gr. 3yo gelding
Stakes winner; 1/2 to SP Seattle Native
Breeder’s Cup Lifetime Nomination
Breeder’s Series Nominated 2010 3yo Dirt, Turf and Steeplechase

Winner of the G2 Remsen Stakes, placed in the GI Middle Park Park Stakes and one of the few horses today that can run 5.5f over turf in 54 seconds flat,  Raise The Planet is definitly proven he can run with the best of them!  Although he has won nearly $100k this year and placed several times in stakes, this year just hasn’t been his year compared to last and unfortunately I think that is only because me. I haven’t raced him as much as he needs to be and really haven’t given him much attention at all. He needs someone who can work on the minute details of his schedule, equipment and training to get him winning again…and then watch him go!


(Abracadabra x Lymerick by Irish Honor)
Ch. 10yo mare
1/2 to MSW Irish River(Gold rated), SP Celtic Princess(Platinum rated), Tonguetied(Bronze rated) and MSW Ghostly Poem(gelding)
IFT Moonover Boy(Silver rated)

How many chances are you going to get to have a daughter of Reine-de-Course mare Lymerick©?? Not many, especially since I currently own 3 of her 4 daughters :wink:, which is why I decided to sell one, keeping the Platinum rated one and the so-expensive-it-doesn’t-make-sense-to-sell 3yo daughter. I try to keep from getting too much of any one line in my stable, especially since I’ve been breeding to Irish River a lot and I figured somebody would appreciate her in their broodmare band.
So far her 2 raced foals (a 3yo by Conspiracy Theory and a 2yo by Highland Wizard) have only placed but I think with some careful breeding she could be just like her 1/2 siblings and turn into quite the producer. Here’s your chance to class up your breeding program!  ;D

(Dream Away x Hope’s Prospect by Mr. Prospector)
Blk. 12yo mare
Stakes winner, 2002 Older Mare of the Year
Produced SW Tempestad by Storm Cat
IFT Devil May Care(Silver rated)

Solid broodmare(bronze rated) whose own racing career was impressive, winning the(formerly GI) California Handicap back when(with far fewer stakes races) 1 stakes win was impressive enough to make it to stud! She capped that year with 2002 Older Mare of the Year honors. Her daughter Tempestad (1 of the only 2 stakes winners sired by Storm Cat) did well in the 2 short years she raced, winning the Banshee Breeze Handicap with career earnings of nearly $250k! Hope also comes from the Mr. Prospector line which combines well with almost anything and who as a sire has turned out to be quite the broodmare sire! Go for this mare for some old-school style with classic lines!

(Simply Special x Somethin’ New by Somethin’s Up)
Gr. 15yo mare
Produced millionaire SW Over Done It and Executive Session(Silver rated dam of MSW AP Executive)
IFT Starzen

Consistent broodmare who has produced millionaire Over Done It who won the (formerly GI) April Showers Stakes against such FF greats as Starzen, Highland Mystery and Government Secret back when winning one stakes was awesome enough to be stud qualified (we used to be on 4:1 time so only had 12 sets of races a “year” ). Over Done It also finshed 3rd in the GI Preakness and 2nd in the GI Belmont that year!!
Somethin’s other foals have all been consistent winners on the track except for her current 2yo(who is placed) and her only daughter to have raced foals. That daughter has already produced a millionaire MSW in AP Executive! Her daughters look to have the potential to be strong producers as well! Be sure to add this gem of a broodmare to your band!


(Devil May Care x Aquilla by My Last Sugar)
Blk. yearling filly
1/2 to SP Final Wager, SP Duece’s Aces and SP Sugar Rogue(2yo)
Breeder’s Cup Lifetime Nomination

Out of a very consistent Silver rated mare and out of an even more consistent Silver rated stud this little filly should be good! Devil May Care has only 3 raced foals, but all 3 of them are stakes winners with an average foal earnings of around $500k!! Also, as most of you probably know, DMC(Devil May Care) is o/o Reine-de-Course mare Devil’s Trademark(B/I) so this filly has some seriously powerful genes!
Also, April’s 1/2 sister Sugar Rogue by Highland Pride, a 2yo, showed against the best in the Gr. 1 Ascot Fillies Mile, won an open allowance, has earned $70k and is qualifed for the 2010 Breeder’s Cup Juvenile Fillies! There’s a good chance you won’t have to wait until April is 3 for her to kick it into high gear! Despite being born on April Fool’s Day this little filly won’t be a joke!

(Moonover Boy x Somethin’ Special by Simply Special)
Gr. yearling filly
FULL SISTER to millionaire SW Over Done It, 1/2 sister to Silver rated Executive Session dam of millionaire MSW AP Executive
Breeder’s Cup Lifetime Nomination

It’s very hard to sell this pretty girl because of her potential on the track and broodmare potential! She’s a FULL SISTER to millionaire Over Done It(who was a gelding)! Over Done It won the (formerly GI) April Showers Stakes against such FF greats as Starzen, Highland Mystery and Government Secret back when winning one stakes was awesome enough to be stud qualified(we didn’t have many stakes then)!! Over Done It also finshed 3rd in the GI Preakness and 2nd in the GI Belmont that year!! He was without a doubt one of the premier colts that year, consistently racing against horses like, besides the ones mentioned above, FFCh.Take Me To Hollywood and Backseat Driver and often beating them! All those colts were, well colts and went to stud after their racing careers ended, but Over Done It was a gelding so he raced a few more years as an obvious “has-been” before retirement. Fire and Desire though, being a full sister to him has the chance to bring Over Done It’s genes back into the gene pool and perhaps not only race like he did but produce like he was never able!
Besides that, her older 1/2 sister Executive Session has already produced a millionaire in MSW AP Exectuive!

(Highland Laird x Hope’s Dream by Dream Away)
Ch. yearling filly
1/2 to SW Tempestad (by Storm Cat)
Breeder’s Cup Lifetime Nomination

Sired by the AMAZING Gold rated Highland Laird who has only 6 raced foals but they’ve already earned over 14 million!! Highland Laird foals include High Chances(arguably one of the greatest horses in FF history!), Eternal Lady and Spectacular Lady! Punx is also out of the Bronze rated 2002 Older Mare of the Year Hope’s Dream(of the Mr.Prospector line) who has also produced SW Tempestad!  Not much else to say other then that with such a combo of champs in her pedigree she shouldn’t be anything BUT successful!

*In case your curious about her name…she was born on Groundhog’s Day(MY BIRTHDAY!) and for those of you who aren’t familar with the tradition of Groundhogs Day and Punxsutawney Phil…well the legend goes if a groundhog sees his shadow on Feb 2nd then there will be 6 more weeks of winter. The town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA boasts having the official groundhog Punxsutawney Phil and has a festival every year…go to OR watch the Bill Murray movie “Groundhogs Day” if you want to know more :slight_smile: …but she was a filly so I just added a y to Phil :slight_smile:

(Moonover Boy x Doubletake by Double It)
Blk. yearling filly
1/2 to MSW Double Cross, MSW Sneak Peak, SP Catch Me If You Can, SP Walk of Fame and Platinum rated mare Striking Resemblance (dam of MSW Kensington Road and SW Danstruck)
Breeder’s Cup Lifetime Nomination

I hope I don’t regret this because this is one awesome filly! What a family! By Silver rated sire Moonover Boy and out of Silver rated Doubletake who is the dam of the illustrious MSW Double Cross along with MSW Sneak Peak! Doubletake’s only daughter with foals is already Platinum rated with all her foals being stakes winners besides her 2yo(who is a winner)!!  A very powerful family with a nice sire to back it up…this filly should be spectacular!

(Devil May Care x Solar Skyy by Cigar)
Ch. yearling colt
1st foal of dam
Breeder’s Cup Lifetime Nomination

I have to say (very conceited I know) that Solar Trademark has a very beautiful pedigree. Sired by the very successful sire Devil May Care who is out of Reine-de-Course mare Devil’s Trademark(B/I) and out of a mare who is sired by Chief-de-Course stallion Cigar(I) AND out of Reine-de-Course mare Ifyoucouldseemenow (B/I) this colt looks made to be a very fast sprinter/miler! He could also do well at longer distances but his pedigree screams speed! Few horses with this many big names, names that have affected the breed, appear at an auction but thanks to having bred a large crop that happens to be my best crop ever, I have to reduce the numbers and offer some for sale. Lucky you!

(Jazz It Up x Sister Boy by Moonover Boy)
Blk. yearling filly
2nd foal of dam
Breeder’s Cup Lifetime Nomination

Large 17h filly by extremely successful Gold rated sire Jazz It Up and out of SP Sister Boy by successful Silver rated Moonover Boy.  Sister Boy comes from one of FF’s elite families, being the daughter of Gold rated Sister Sage who has produced Silver rated MSW Highland Sage, MSW Worthy Sage, MSW Devilish, SW Sagacious and SP Southern Shawnee. Jazz It Up foals have an average earnings of approx $800k!! Nice, very nice. Should be yet another top notch Jazz It Up filly!

See ya November 2nd (starts 12am EST)!!

Nice write-ups Jade. Looking foward to seeing how your auctionpans out. Best of luck!

Note: This filly is NOT 1/2 sister to MSW Can’t Catch Me…she is, however 1/2 sister to SP Catch Me If You Can.  :wink:  :slight_smile:

A Highland Laird Filly!!! :: Runns to Count pennies::

I’ve actually been to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania… cute little town, and cold in February! Love the name…

Whoops-fixed now :slight_smile: I wouldn’t sell her if she WAS 1/2 to Can’t Catch Me! :wink:

I’ve always wanted to go! I guess on Groundhog’s Day they do something special for people born that day-its on my list of things to do before I die!

Thanks Jase, I’m looking forward to it!

Neither would I.  :wink:  I have vowed to only sell grandfoals of sim-Java, and then likely only colts.  (Which, of course, just means my barn is flooded with Java-babies, but that’s not such a bad thing.  :smiley:

Nuts :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope that you are able to outbid a certain crazy cat…

Unfortunately… the pennies just don’t add up this time… so we’re saving them for a breeding the The Mighty Laird…

One day I’ll be able to bid with the rest of them… for now I just wish & drool…

I know this is probably just a shameless plug for my lovely filly Sugar Rogue, but her 1/2 sister April Fooled looks like shes an awfully pretty girl!  I might have to start counting my pennies, too, there are some NICE horses in this auction!  Thanks Jade!

No problem and thank-you but it was a shamless plug for me too, Sugar Rogue is a Cascade graduate after all :wink:

Can’t wait to just see what I can sneak in and get  >:D

G’luck I hope you get one!

Note: there are reserves, but they are reasonable, I even got a second opinion on each of them and some were revised! Thanks again Rhi!

The Laird army must GROW one filly at a time. 

Actually, I may or may not go after this one.  I must say I am flattered by what you said about High Chances.  I’m just worried that Franken’Filly (my apologies, Shanthi, to Can’t Catch Me…the name has stuck!) will outshine him soon.  She’s so young and pretty…

You better have a wad of cash to sneek in with  :wink:

Because you said CCM was pretty, I’ll forgive you, just this once.

But yes, it is my master plan to topple HiC from all of his high-ranking positions…no offense to him, of course, I was the one who insisted you buy him (and gave you a discount :wink:), but down he must go…

That is ancient history, Shanthi.  Not that I’ve forgotten one bit!  He was just a cute allowance horse back then, I think.  I imagine Can’t Catch Me has at least another year to topple him (and topple him good!).  And I had worked so hard to get him to beat King David.

Oh well, at least she’s a filly.  HC can spawn more babies in one year than…um… she can.  There will be a great Laird army comprised of sons and grandsons (and daughters, too). 

And maybe they can have (a) cute little bab(y|ies) together and form their own sugary fruity liquid speeddemon army!

Or…something.  :slight_smile: