In the words of Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids, “help me, I’m poor.” This auction is all about raising money for racing since breeding is now going to have to take a backseat for me. My broodmare band is a lot smaller that it used to be (actually manageable) and % wise was way too heavy in Northern Slew (who I used to own) and a few damlines so to balance things out I’m selling all but 3 of my N.Slew broodmares (other studs I have no more than 2!) and keeping myself limited to only 2 daughters of some of my favorite broodmares. Hopefully you’ll find some that work for you.
Highlights of mares consigned:
Ch. Seattle Phoenix-one of only 4 daughters of Phoenix(G) (I own 3 of the 4). First foal by TakeMeToHollywood due this spring
Ch. Seattle Native- MSP 1/2 sibling to Spectacular Star(G) among others; 1 winner of 1 runner
Ch. Final Wager - MSP, has produced all winners and in foal to Dark Continent
Candy Perfect - 1/2 sister to several MSW and SW in foal to Smart Strike
Northern Eagle - has produced 2 SP foals of 4 to race, 1/2 to several MSP
NorthernProspector - 3 winners of 3 runners, daughter of 2002 Older Mare of the Year and through her 1/2 to MSW Volkl
Northern Flight - 1/2 to several MSW and SW and all runners produced have been winners except for the current 2yo; ift Rumor Has It