My horse Sandglass seems to be permanently stuck on her last assigned training schedule. She was originally leased out to Dreadnought, but we ended her lease early last week. I’m thinking some part of the code still thinks she’s being leased since it has Dreadnought’s training schedule assigned to her with no way to delete/reassign. I thought there was maybe a delay in removing the old training schedule, but it has been at least a week since the lease ended.
I just purchased two horses from Dreadnought, Aachen and Aarhus, and both are similarly stuck with identical schedules to Sandglass at Shelbie’s. They are at the top of my workouts schedule and no other horses are affected. Additionally, neither horse shows up in my regular workouts list.
I just bought some horses from Dreadnought (Medussa, Aalborg, and Big King Dini and am having the same problem.
I can’t create a new training schedule at all. It says that it has been added but when I go to the schedule page, it doesn’t exist.