Broodmares in Foal-Not in Foal

I know that this is an ongoing issue but, with the breeding season just reopening, it is rearing it’s ugly head again.

We have two broodmares:-


that are showing as Not in Foal on our Stable Information Breeding screen but, when you go to the mare’s individual pages, they are both showing as In Foal and due in 2029. In addition, their View Foals page also shows them as In Foal and due in 2029 and the stallions they are supposedly In Foal to, show them as being In Foal and due in 2029.

In addition, on our Stable Info page, the General Statistics shows us as having 2 Weanlings, however, if you go to the View Horses section and select Weanlings, it shows 0 Weanlings (which agrees with our records show).

I have the same issue with Trapeze:

I emailed Shanthi this morning flagging races are stuck and the usual January 1st issues are back.

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I have four foals currently born but not reflected in weanlings tab on stable overview

Having the same issue. There’s a notification that there was one stillbirth and one live foal born this morning, but mares are still marked as in-foal and there’s no profile for the live foal.

Should be fixed.

I have Nightlit Haze showing as not in foal, but she is due on 10th June to Church Mouse

Our Stable Information page is still incorrect. It is still showing Lightning Bolt and Office Hours as ‘not been bred yet this year’, even though both mares are in foal and due in 2029. In addition, our General Statistics are still showing 2 Weanlings

I’ve got Bright Blush in the same boat

Queen of Crows foaled without issue, I bred her, her page lists her as bred…but she’s listed as unbred on the stable overview.

Bright Blush’s foal to First Born Son vanished, she’s been bred since and it looks ok? :thinking:

This one says she can be bred but when you head to her page, she’s in foal?