Broodmare For Sale

Well taxes have put me in the negatives so I’m selling a broodmare to help make up some money.

Name: Quidnunc
Height: 15.3
Color: Blue Roan

She is from created lines and hasn’t been bred before. She also isn’t in foal as of now. Check her out and let me know if your interested. I am open to all bids. Thanks!

I might be interested in repurchasing her. XD How much were you wanting for her?

Well I’m taking bids, so I guess bidding will start at $50,000. How does that sound? I am up for neg. Just send me a PM.

Just an FYI… you can not hold an open auction on the sale board…

you can state you are taking offers… or list an asking price with OBO… and have people privately PM you…

Sorry wasn’t paying attention. I can’t sell this broodmare for another 50+ days.  :-\