Breed Rankings


I notice that these rankings seem to change every race day and understand that, as they are based on their progeny’s race records, this is always going to happen. As a Breeder, it can be a little frustrating as you might plan to breed a mare to a Gold-ranked Stallion, but, by the time you actually breed the mare, he has dropped to Silver.

Perhaps you can set it up in the Beta so that these rankings only change at a particular time, either, at the end of the year, or every six months or every quarter?

Not to be a pain but I personally prefer it this way, I quite enjoy to see the rankings change and track the rankings as my horses run (mostly dams) but stallions with few running babies also. I know when I finally have a stallion with his first crop racing I will be checking his rank every race day. 

Plus the ranking isn’t going to affect your foal if you still use the same stallion and he’s still going to be silver, just now or a little later.

I’d have to agree with this. The stud’s still the same quality, and presumably you picked him for more than just his ranking (and even if that were the case, he was legitimately Gold at one time so it’s not like he couldn’t be Gold again).

Personally as a breeder, I’d rather know that the breed ranking data is up-to-date rather than wondering if this horse is 5 months into his breed ranking time and could be a rank or two above/below what it says.

What would be interesting, though, is to do a history of breed rankings. Likely not for each change since if the babies’ race records are all over the place a stud could change a lot, but perhaps a snapshot per year.

For example:
2015 [first crop] - Bronze
2016 - Bronze/Silver
2017 - Silver
2018 - Silver/Gold

Then you could see if the stud’s ranking is staying consistent over time, or if early/late crops are standouts in quality.

I like the idea of history of breed rankings!

I like this idea, too.