Automated workout has worked a horse that is still at the barn

Description of Issue

I’ve had one 2yo work out yesterday (1/11) however he is at the farm and hasn’t been shipped to a track. All of my 2yo have been set with a schedule for training but I’ve yet to ship any of them to a track

click on the stable workouts link. I selected for 1/11/29.

List of horses that had worked out appeared as you would expect and I noticed Rejuvenate among them. Clicked on link to his page and his location shows as Generous Bloodstock. As far as I can see, he’s the only one of my 2yo where this has happened.

I noticed my 2yo Hawthorne shows up on my Workouts page, even though he hasn’t been shipped. I haven’t assigned a workout schedule to him out of fear he’ll work if I do.


I had this problem with Amerigo Vespucci who is now a 3yr old and still stuck at the barn unable to ship but ALL of his workouts are still showing up for the last year??

Interesting. It looks like I wouldn’t be able to ship Rejuvenate if I wanted to. Shows as shipping from the barn but no option of a track to ship him to.

Discovered Snow Advisory was working out despite being at home. Just deleted his schedule so he won’t accidentally kill himself.