Maryanne stood grooming More
Than High. Prince(more Than
High) was not making the job easy. He had taken away the brush
twice, and had sidestepped at least five times. Maryanne giggled"At least one of us isn’t
nervous." Prince snorted as if to say "This racing stuff is easy, why would I the superior
king of the world be nervous?" Maryanne got the light racing saddle and started to put it on
the colt. “Stop it! you want to race don’t you?” Maryanne threatend when Prince sidestepped.
When Maryanne finally had him in the walking ring with their trainer Cindy Kentucky Acres’
jockey Melanie Graham came up wearing the farms blue and gold silks. “He looks good.” Melanie
said looking admiringly at the colt. "Rember Melanie, keep him in front. This is a short race
so we can’t risk coming from behind." Cindy instructed. "I know Cindy. We went over this at
least ten times this morning, We’ll do good won’t we boy." Melanie said as she got on the
horse. “I hope you do well, maybe he’ll go onto two wins in a row!” Maryanne said hopefully.
“Good luck!”
Maryanne and cindy stood at the edge of their box cheering Prince on.
“Do yo think he can lead wire to wire?” Maryanne asked. "I’m sure he can, we’ve timed him
at 7f. and he still put in a great time." “Look! Prince is pulling away!” Maryanne cried
ecstastically. “By Golly he is!” Greg said"It looks like Kentucky acres will have it’s first
winner." And sure enough, Prince came over the finish line 8 1/4 lengths ahead. As the whole
Kentucky Acres crew made their way down to the winnwer’s circle Maryanne ran ahead to grab
Prince before he ran a whole 'nother lap. 'You did great Melanie!" Maryanne told the happy
jockey. 'Thanks, but Prince did most of the work, and he’s still full of energy!" Melanie
told the owner. Prince snorted as pictures were being taken as if to say "I told you that I
was the superior king of the world!" Maryanne giggled, they had a long way to go with his
manner lessons.
And if you read my Expectations post you know Prince and Princess are
crushing on each other. So right now he’s flirting with his girlfriend. :rolleyes: