Acceptance Letters!!!

I came home from school today to find 2 acceptance letters on my desk! One is from UC Berkeley… the other is from Baylor in Waco TX!!!

I’m not sure if anyone knows much about my career plans… but Shanthi and I have talked about it alot… since my accident a couple years ago… and surgeries… my career goal is to become an orthopedic surgon… and Baylor is one of the top collages in the nation for medicine…

I’m so excited… I don’t know what to do with myself!! LOL…

on the 24th my mom and I are going to tour Berkeley… then the weekend after Memorial day we are flying out to tour Baylor… then I have to make a choice by the end of June… I’ll let you know how things progress… but right now those were my two top picks for collage…

Wee!! I’m so happy right now!!!

I graduate on June 14th… Magna Cum Laude and High Honors Society… I’m not trying to brag… like Joe Friday always says “Just the Facts Ma’am”… but my brain still gets a little fickled… and I am only 18… I’m allowed to be a little nerdy!! LOL…

Wish me luck!!!

Super congrats! I wanted to go to Berklee (College of Music) for a while and my mom thought for the longest time thought I meant UC Berkeley…but that is so awesome that you got in! You have a right to be nerdy. :smiley:

Congrats again. :slight_smile:  I think you can’t go too wrong with either school, and if so, there’s always the option to transfer. :slight_smile:  Just see which one you feel most comfortable with.

congrats!  Acceptance letters are always nice.  :slight_smile:

Congrats!  My piece of advice (at least from a graduate school perspective) is that sometimes it can be hard to get into a graduate program associated with your undergraduate school.  I’m not sure that holds as true for med schools, since a lot of my undergrad friends got into MUSC after graduating from USC, and I know of UNC undergrads going to UNC’s med school.  So… yeah, you can probably ignore my advice :wink:.

Awesome that you got both letters on the same day.

Congratulations! That’s really exciting and definitely something to be proud of. :slight_smile:

Way to go!!!  Follow your dream and go with which ever school has the most to offer you for your dream.

I still kick myself for not taking a full scholarship to UC Davis for vet medicine.  I was just tired of school and the thought of another 6 yrs was not in my game plan.

Now, it would have come in handy with all the horse stuff I do.

Good Luck and keep us posted on the highlights of each school and your thoughts.  Make sure you talk to other students who are taking the same classes as you will be.  This will give you some insight into the teachings.

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Yay!  Congrats!  That’s awesome!  I keep telling myself I need to go back to school, but the longer you wait, the harder it is to make yourself, and the drive to any of the colleges around here would just kill me with gas.  :stuck_out_tongue:  Congrats again!

I have a friend who goes there. :slight_smile:

Congratulations, Dawn!