1 spunglass strongwish ripeland
2hide your cards diehard pop the cork
3 sudden surprise evil magic distinguished air
4 perseids lisanna fiery crash
5 rampant pilot sheik outgoing island
6 difficult tea lingering test lancelot
7 queen malo unique patrator
8 after the war watching moonbeams liduen kvaedh
9 strong credit inky night drifting glory
10 sheza cougar hellsgold accurate sorbet
11 dreamsinger sirena more kisses
12 leviathan wittyair silky book
13 flash of fire heirann gaoth queen euryale
14 darkmoon mozart dreambig
15 ch nemea gi jane solid as a rock
16 ensign of arc obidient water pleasant class
17 dark currents montevideo concerto
18 bohemia majestic sunshine splendid feeling
19 puzzle piece sergent dashing train
20 ch harley quinn dare to try stiletto
21 ch anchors aweigh corroded spirit draumrkopa
22 painted dreams secret ideas loose voyage
23 ch tangled ch swift as the wind rake
24 ch creme brulee ch petition silver bullet
25 ch ceasefire cabarita dizzy attempt
26 faithful writer light fizz calm galaxy
27 itsinthebag sunny act celtic quarel
28 pack leader grateful ring vancejoy
29 in a bind little rest gifted flag
30 miss porter marked news magical bubble
31 amacuzac premiering cayuga
32 flashy side evilvision outraeous thread
33 happy name major leap blacktop
34 dignity firstborn dancer sole survivor
35 katherina silly impact subdued day
36 hollywood lights morgenstern ballerina
37 wreckless margiela monster ballard
38 sagittarius dually noted dear badge
39 underhill river styx pepperfire
40 an educated guess until death rivercrosser
41 yakety yak hardly a fool bellcanto
42 defining moment ch who said no ch zealous
43 bloodstone ch anon tottenham time
44 ch lingerie ch itinerant flaming key
45 wild fool fraggle rock morning glory
46 gch glitteratti ch sparkling victory devils gold
47 ch chortle classy victory ravensfire
48 come on monday ch imaginary jaded silk
49 ch l’amour ch museum seduction
50 ch widows walk zanotti ensign girl
13 1 @250 = 3250
3 2 @100 = 300
6 3 @ 50 = 300
1-2 4@500 = 2000
total 5850
could you please check it, as first time ive done it
Many Thankx