- Cork - Knockout Blow - Halloween
- Mary Rose - Golden Coffee - Act of Parliament
- Yunuen - Fascinated Throne - Ankita Baqi
- Eyrecourt - Badlands - Rahula the Lucky
- Beadell - Set on War - GottaCatchEmAll
- Maegi - Jazz Loft - Burning Earth
- Surrey Quays - Informed Citizen - De Beauvoir Town
- Christmas Past - Jackie O - Petite Beam
- Tinseltree - Shadow Run - Coblinine
- Secret Love - Crawley - Oasis
- Remarkable Moon - Lustra - Queen Boudica
- Dinninup - Plucky Voyager - Sockeye Salmon
- Chrome Warrior - Maid at Arms - Blue Shark
- Dark Minute - Salir al Sol - Aqui y Ahora
- Crofton Park - American Beauty - Worth the Francs
- Captain Panic - Illyria - Ville Rouge
- Sea the Shine - Magnetic Scene - Abacterial
- Into the Wild - Meadow - Stoke Newington
- Booterstown - Haven’s Moon - Amahle
- Always Quarrelsome - Wisteria Lodge - Commissionaire
- Flippant Frame - Electric Blue - Quick Flag
- Kissonthelips - Victoria Park - Valuable Leopard
- Gallant Prince - Red Apples - Bel Dalray
- Elfin Skyline - Boallia - Doctor On Call
- Weapon - Knight Club - Taquka’aq
- Contractual - Wo Die Blumen Sind - Dangerous King
- New Demand - Forgiven - Lisson Grove
- The Last Battle - Opalescent - Prime Interest
- You Surprise Me - Something Different - Lingering Noise
- Vast Rush - Hushed Flavor - Troubling Belief
- Defiant Quarter - Fervent Reward - Cold Offer
- Immense Fall - Humorous Wren - Solitary
- Mhmm - Illion - Magnetar
- Blessed Tottenham - Free Fish - Red Jenny
- Sankarillinen - Fox Hunter - Pluma Blanca
- On the High Seas - Kleptocracy - Formal Jacket
- Space Rock - Private Approval - Igneous Tiger
- Sad in Paris - Wandering Stamp - Holy War
- Bele - Caecias - Aalborg
- Anxiety - Away Day - Leprechaun’s Magic
- Dwarda - Muirgel Ejiro - Gawain
- Blast-Off Bronze - Upper East Side - Yellow Journalism
- Langdale Pike - River Dancer - War and Peace
- King of the Franks - Twickenham - Manhattan
- Damascus - Power the Passion - Huge Session
- Sesquipedalian - Swayer - Faraono
- Rose of Obsidian - Serious Dream - Hey Red
- Whisper - A Study in Scarlet - McKinley
- Prince of the Moon - Black Tuesday - Prayer Shawl
- Beaten Path - Chapayevsk - Thoughtless Lion
WIN: 10 x $250 = $2500
PLC: 5 x $100 = $500
SHW: 5 x $50 = $250
QUIN: 3 x $500 = $1500
TRI: 2 x $1000 = $2000
TOTAL: $6750