
  1. DancesWithRainbows - Rich Prospect - Sargento
  2. Luminar Amadeus - Express Red - Tiny List
  3. Chimney Swift - Little Detail - Surprise Kiss
  4. Rock in the Storm - Kentucky Bluegrass - Lively Look
  5. Tonight We Burn - Sputtering Berry - Beyond the Sea
  6. Troubled Earth - Laird Plateau - Buzzer Beater
  7. Royal Hope - Buildmeupbuttercup - Shez In the Dark
  8. Distinct View - Crystal Star - Hickety
  9. Oscilation Moon - Up and Up - Cherubim
  10. Sapphire - Archimedes - Get Happy
  11. Rough Limit - Foolish Whispers - High Council
  12. Goldfinch - Ring True - Towering Clover
  13. Wide Eyed - Faith - Notice Me Alley
  14. Queen Cobra - One Blazing Glance - Socialite
  15. Affable - Firenza - Exacta
  16. Spectacular Luck - Glitz and Glamour - Scotland
  17. Pointless Dreamer - Park Angel - Silk Blitzen
  18. Learned Thrill - Trident - In High Demand
  19. Violent Spy - Heaven’s Shore - Don’t Go Away
  20. Idealism - Worth His Salt - Braeriach
  21. Heartlines - Voir Dire - Smokesignal
  22. Total Diva - Everybody Disco - Giant Witch
  23. Ariea Patton - End of Watch - Hourglass Riddle
  24. Milan - Ombudsman - All Hallows Eve
  25. Cheerful Silver - Willing Boundary - Cipher
  26. Kind Action - Painted Dreams - Dark Rose
  27. Addicting News - Drum Circle - Knight’s Regard
  28. Cable Beach - Scottish Isle - Mischief
  29. TheDowagerExmpress - Disgraced Princess - September
  30. So Full Of It - Eikestad - Remarkable Veil
  31. Oman Ama - Ms Honeygrass - Glamorous Quartz
  32. Gay Icarus - Santero - District Nine
  33. Fight for Freedom - Safe Test - Fortunate Star
  34. Fantastic Riddle - Lives in a Dream - Rough Direction
  35. Bubbly Dreamer - ToInfinity&Beyond - Aziraphale
  36. Moncler - High Spirits - Aptitude Witch
  37. O’Hara - Crimson Flames - Mad Hatter
  38. Sharpsight - Canadian Club - Burning Reality
  39. Filipendulous - Cut and ClaRity - Open Galaxy
  40. Glory Glory - Checking Giant - Seahawk
  41. Oeuvre - Ekina - Gutsy Sense
  42. Moment of Truth - Wedding Chorale - Lustin’ Or Love
  43. Argan - L’Amour - Find the Limit
  44. Dark Shot - High Altitude - Honeydukes
  45. Far Away Home - Invidium - Kera
  46. Plucky Sunlight - Nocturnal - Crown Fire
  47. Swift as the Wind - Haftel - Monumental
  48. Mr Royal - Clowning Around - Dobies Bight
  49. Cinco de Mayo - Gett Bold - Beyond You
  50. Lucky’s Minerat - DoWhatYouGotta - Ablative Armour

Win - $250 x 8 = $2000
Place - $100 x 5 = $500
Show - $50 x 5 = $250
Quinella - $500 x 3 = $1500
Trifecta - $1,000 x 0 = $0

Total: $4250