We had an amazing day!!
Casual Dating, (3yo, Celtic Star) in NW1 Allowance
Glory Road, (3yo, Dubawi) in a Maiden
Golden Spark, (3yo, Golden Horn) in a NW2 Allowance
Guns Blazing, (2yo, Gunningdownromance) in a NW3 Allowance
I Adore, (3yo, Eighteen Karat) in a NW3 Allowance
New Demand, (3yo, Dark Demand) in an Allowance
Nimbrethil, (3yo, AndLikeThatHesGone) in an Allowance
Space Odyssey, (4yo, Space Chips) in a Claimer
Velvet 'n Lace, (4yo, Sionnach) in a NW3 Allowance
Betty Boop, (4yo, Unabridged) in a NW2 Allowance
Five Quarters, (3yo, Devil’s Walk) in a Maiden
Icy Hot, (3yo, City Upon a Hill) in a Maiden
Khal Drogo, (2yo, To Die For) in a NW3 Allowance
Knight In The Vail, (2yo, Calle de Oro) in a NW3 Allowance
Express Check Out, (4yo, Express Yourself) in NW2 Allowance
Fighting Heart, (2yo, Eighteen Karat) in a Maiden
Foolish Moon, (2yo, Pay the Boatman) in a MW1 Allowance
Lady Fire, (2yo, Devil’s Walk) in a NW1 Allowance
Whisper ofthe Gods, (4yo, Worthy Victor( in a NW1 Allowance
Throw A Fit, (3yo, Dark Demand) in a NW2 Allowance
Also Ran
Good Time Girl, (2yo, Dr. Evil) 6th in a Maiden
Satanic Monarch, (3yo, Gunningdownromance) 6th in a Maiden