2014 2yo Auction!

I usually put a limit but I didn’t this time, if you can score 100 horses for 1k each, well done for you.

Congrats Cat on the Seeing Starz filly!

Thanks, Jason.  I was absolutely flabbergasted that I had won!

Lucky duck!!!  ;D  I was really hoping to win her, but I put my money on my second choice instead now.  :stuck_out_tongue:

O.K. Now I know there is something up with the code for the Auction. Marshall Creek has already won 1 horse for 45,000 and has bids on 5 others that total over $105,000, not including the horse already won. Unless the limit has been raised and I need to refresh my auction screen I think there is a problem.

I also just entered 51,500 for a horse and it said it took my bid for $100,000…Somethings wrong here!!!

I feel lucky to feel satisfied with my picks & wins… I’ll be back a little later when the final results are in. It’s hard being a smaller stable with a smaller budget when others have much bigger pots! Good on the ones who used the “no limit” option to their advantage.  :slight_smile:

I don’t know what would have caused this - I just outbid someone and it correctly took my bid and didn’t default it to $100,000.

Seriously, people, there is a bug system for a reason. I understand it’s kind of a pain to use, but it helps me a lot in tracking issues. I can’t/won’t fix individual problems from forum posts, especially when the complain is “somethings wrong”, because that’s virtually impossible to diagnose.

Original issue I reported here has been listed on the Bug reports and how to replicate it. I’m not going to try and replicate the $100,000 issue I reported simply because I don’t need that kind of headache. Sorry for that!
My thought was because of the short time span on the acutions(12hrs) that it might be prudent to go thru the forum.

I held the bid on one of the two remaining horses at $80k having topped what was the current bid at $60k, Marshall Creek Ranch have already purchased two horses totaling about $70k yet they have bid this horse up to $100k.

I actually only bid in the first place so they wouldn’t have to worry about spending past the limit yet they have come back again to bump up the price, why? Surely the rules aren’t that hard to understand  ::)

The system used to stop this happening?

It’s fixed now, relax. Yes, Marshall Creek made invalid bids, but maybe it was human error. They may not have noticed that there was a spending limit, since the code wasn’t enforcing it.

Just calm down, please. And in the future, this sort of thing is not “critical” for the bug system. It’s critical in that it’ll be a pain for me to manually fix later if the auction finished with invalid bids, but 99.9% of the game would continue to work as normal. “Critical” bugs are ones like the entire site being down, or all of the horses disappearing from the game, or something.


Shanthi - I was calm  8) I was just trying to help out by purchasing the horse so it got Marshall Creek back under the $100k lol!