I claimed this munchkin back in Sept and i haven’t firgured her out yet. I had a couple of other 2 yr old stars and she kinda got negelected and hasn’t the attention she needs.
I have her listed for $10,000 (claimed her for $35,000) and I will drop $1,000 off the price for a newbie if they buy her.
She needs a new home where she can get the attention I can’t give her.
Canuck, it’s really hard (practically impossible) to mess up a horse. The hardest part is figuring out what distance and surface they like best. Once that’s done, you just wait until they’re at A/B energy and race. You do need to send the home from time to time for rest, so they can regain natural energy.
The horse I would lease out, would already be fairly proven in certain races and distances. Just enter in the same races type races and they should bring a ck fairly regularly. All I ask is not to race at Steeplechase unless I send one that already does steeplechasing.
I can do 3, 6, 9 or 12 month lease and I will keep it cheap, so you can hopefully make some money!!
Let me know what you think and if you want to try it.
Just sent you a nice gelding who did fairly decent for me this yr. He is reliable and brought home a ck in 8 out of 12 races this yr and had 3 wins.
Any questions, please PM me and I can help pick races for him. Just don’t run him in Steeplechase. He likes the dirt.
The lease starts Jan 1st so you won’t get any tax on him.
have fun and hope he continues to do good for you.