
Race 1
Win; Dory $250
Place: Pocahontas
Show: separate side

Race 2
Win: Christmas stocking
Place: candy train
Show: majestic shape

Race 3
Win: dimming light
Place: magical toy
Show: flippant action

Race 4
Win: sakura $250
Place: cherry twist
Show: risky games

Race 5
Win: cheerful cream
Place: yarrow
Show: possible chum

Race 6
Win: book of travels
Place: curious marble
Show: flycatcher

Race 7
Win: entryist
Place: knows her medicine $100
Show: matrimony

Race 8
Win; I love Jenny
Place: happy frame
Show: extra frosting

Race 9
Win: glacier $250
Place: secretive fog
Show: Faulkner

Race 10
Win; Vanessa Altissima
Place: Huygens Gap
Show: mountain high
Quinella $500

Race 11
Win: Jordan Tate
Place: quarterfold
Show: hot swirl

Race 12
Win; a raven’s call
Place: later in life
Show:immense wind

Race 13
Win: storm’s ransom
Place: regular tiger
Show: chesil beach

Race 14
Win: cradle mountain
Place: carrowblu
Show: nonstop kitten

Race 15
Win; you may leave now
Place: lesath
Show; brief spark $50

Race 16
Win: beryl
Place:moonlit romance
Show:sponsored dreams

Race 17
Win: unlucky in love
Place: everyday know $100
Show: defiant twist

Race 18
Win; forever
Show: sweet scent

Race 19
Win: ordinary edge
Place:fool to be sassy
Show: tag chaser

Race 20
Win: wide trip $250
Place; bewitchment
Show: forever now

Race 21
Win: sunstruck wine
Place: about that streak
Show: return to skye

Race 22
Win: Artemisia
Place: Bimbijy
Show: silky fool

Race 23
Win: balanga
Place: my bubbles
Show: golden mark

Race 24
Win: more than words
Place: canary mellon
Show: festive guide

Race 25
Win: jaded cake
Place: make life harder
Show: Devil’s glen

Race 26
Win: winterbreak
Place: demonic rush
Show: Carrow dalray

Race 27
Win: wise guide
Place: border hopper
Show: larian triangle

Race 28
Win: FairytaleOfNewYork
Place: small thing

Race 29
Win: Melody
Place: sponsored stream
Show: headline news

Race 30
Win: they
Place: westworld
Show: bramble patch

Race 31
Win: happy accident
Place: candy shoppe
Show: wry pirate

Race 32
Win: rampant drum
Place: crooked flower
Show; heat waves $50

Race 33
Win: Rreckless
Place: dingup
Show: wind runner

Race 34
Win: staronntherise $250
Place: terrific turn
Show: usain princess

Race 35
Win: classic colors $250
Place: useful phoenix
Show: twizzler

Race 36
Win: languish
Place: lightning thief $100
Show: fierce twist

Race 37
Win: tipsy thoughts $250
Place: rebel scene
Show: trigger happy

Race 38
Win: Massachusetts
Place: born in flames
Show: feathered boa

Race 39
Win: careful phoenix
Place:golden ribbon
Show: boundless scent

Race 40
Win: peregrin took
Place: long dark life $100
Show: expensive rain

Race 41
Win: Winchester $250
Place: busy jumper
Show: Erasmus $50

Race 42
Win: born to be wild
Place: Kingston gold
Show: la bolt

Race 43
Win: honeycomb
Place: fly to the stars
Show: lowly square

Race 44
Win: proclaimed
Place:expression of love
Show: purple rain

Race 45
Win: Goldstein
Place; just in time
Show: last kiss

Race 46
Win:daring direction
Show: artisan

Race 47
Win: solid rest
Place: the one and only
Show: bright fox

Race 48
Win; bubbles $250
Place: drunk priest
Show:jolly edge

Race 49
Win: criminal mind
Place: cross reference
Show: grandeur

Race 50
Win: Betty white $250
Place: complex record
Show: faithful garden